Our programs
Dignity, wellness, and hope for all
St Luke’s Table & The Well serve Breakfast 8 am & Lunch 12 pm
Centre 454 offers coffee and snacks all day
Available at
Centre 454
The Well
Computer Access
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Available at
Centre 454
The Well
Community Fridge
Fresh produce and takeaway meals are often available
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Referral to Housing and Health Supports
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Community Service Orders Placements
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Social Activites
bingo, karaoke, crafts, games, and movies!
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Check the calendar below for more details
ODSP Application support
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Chaplain and Spiritual Support
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Centre 454 is a day program serving people who are precariously housed or homeless in the Ottawa area.
The Well delivers programs that support women, children, and gender-diverse people in meeting their basic needs, making their life choices, and participating in their community.
St Luke's Table provides a supportive environment where visitors can maintain and improve their personal and mental health.